About Bennett Blum, MD
Undue Influence
Suspicious Circumstances
More Suspicious Circumstances
Still More Suspicious Circumstances - Active Procurement
Undue Influence - Basic Types
Undue Influence Susceptibility
Undue Influence Models
Model - Cult
Model - IDEAL
Undue Influence Worksheet - Introduction
Model - SCAM
Model - SODR
Model - Undue Influence Wheel
Elder Financial Abuse
Prenuptial Agreements, Blended Families, and Divorce
Professional Misconduct
Clergy and "Undue Influence"
Doctors and "Undue Influence"
Financial Professionals and "Undue Influence"
Lawyers and "Undue Influence"
War Crimes
Mental Capacity
Mental Capacity and Competency
Psychological Testing
Expert Witness, Consultation, and Training
How Experts Can Help
Considerations When Hiring an Expert
Screening Experts
Betrayal, Suffering, & Psychological Torture
Elder Abuse, Financial Loss, and Undue Influence: FAQs
Download Files
Contact Us
Undue Influence - More Suspicious Circumstances
More Suspicious Circumstances - Especially in Probate Litigation
Withholding mail.
Limiting telephone access.
Limiting visitation.
Limiting privacy when victim is with others.
Discussion of transaction at an unusual or inappropriate time.
Consummation of the transaction at an unusual place.
Use of multiple persuaders against a single vulnerable person.
Demand the business be finished at once.
Extreme emphasis on the consequences of delay.
Obtaining an attorney for the victim.
Using victim's assets - such as property, money, credit cards, etc.
Becoming conservator, Trustee, beneficiary, executor, etc.
Obtaining access to bank accounts.
Obtaining access to safety deposit boxes.
Having the victim name the perpetrator on Power of Attorney
Basic types of undue influence
Who is susceptible to undue influence? (The answers may surprise you.)
How to assess for undue influence.
Elder Abuse, Financial Loss, and Undue Influence: FAQs.
Download articles and the "Undue Influence Worksheet" by Dr. Blum.
Contact us if you wish to schedule an appointment or meeting with Dr. Blum.
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